Webcams & Weather
Overview Katschberg Lieser-Maltatal region
Top information on the ski weather in the Katschberg ski area and the Katschberg Lieser-Maltatal holiday region. So you can start your vacation day or holiday for skiing, hiking or numerous other activities in summer and winter well informed.
- Live webcams on the Katschberg, in Innerkrems, Gmünd in Carinthia & Salzburg's Lungau
- Time-lapse webcams for the weather report
- Information about the weather and fresh snow
Live Webcam's: Katschberg Lieser-Maltatal in Upper Carinthia
Sun, rain, snow - with the live webcams in the Katschberg Lieser-Maltatal region you are always well informed about the current weather conditions, your holiday weather and the weather over the course of the day.